Location: 153 Byrd St, Orange, VA 22960
Call/Text: 540-407-8481
Email: church@findfreedomchurch.com
Sunday Service: 11AM
Wednesday Bible Study: 6PM
There is always something happening at Freedom Church!
If you are looking for a casual and contemporary atmosphere, where everyone is happy to see you, join Freedom Church Sundays at 11 A.M. There's something for everyone at Freedom Church. Bring your entire family as we have a dynamic kids mininstry called Freedom Kids which includes nursery to 12 years old.
Location: 153 Byrd St, Orange, VA 22960
Call/Text: 540-407-8481
Email: church@findfreedomchurch.com
Sunday Service: 11AM
Wednesday Bible Study: 6PM
We are a great commission driven church and believe that Jesus Christ instructs his followers to GO and make disciples. We exist to REACH those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
We pray for revival in our city, county, country and world. We prayerfully seek revival and believe that revival starts from within. At Freedom Church, we want to provide tools, teaching and leadership to help believers learn how to REVIVE.
Our culture in America is morally bankrupt. We seek to RENEW our culture, one soul at a time, by introducing people in our community to Jesus. Just as the early disciples changed their world, we at Freedom Church seek to change ours.
We cannot find any scripture that commands Christians to stop seeking the lost and growing in their relationship with God. We know that our job is not done until we see our Creator. This is why we make it known that we will REPEAT what he has called us to do until he comes again!